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Fruit Crumble Recipe

Crumbles are much easier to make than pies, because you don’t have to make a crust. Crumbles are simply fruit (fresh or frozen) with a quick and easy topping. Serve your crumble warm or cold, with or without ice cream. Leftover crumble is one of our favorite breakfasts!

Apple Crisp, or Crumble

Whatever fruit you have can make a great crumble!

I make a lot of mixed berry crumbles, with frozen berries. But equally delicious are strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry-peach, and any other yummy fruits that are in season.

What’s a crisp and what’s a crumble? Often the terms are used interchangeably. The Joy of Cooking says a crisp topping has butter, sugar, and flour, while a crumble also includes oats. Other sources say the opposite. 

 I like the oats, and I use the same topping for Apple Crisp and Fruit Crumble.


A shallow baking dish, about 10 inches (25.4 cm) in diameter (any shape will do)

3 or 4 cups (70 or 95 cl) of mixed berries or other fruit

1/2 cup (12 cl) sugar

1/2 (12 cl)cup flour

1/2 (12 cl) cup rolled oats

4 TB (0.75 cl) butter, melted


Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C).

Spray the baking dish with cooking oil. Pour the fruit into the dish and spread it evenly. 

Measure and mix together the sugar, flour, and oats. Melt the butter and add it to the mixture, stirring with a fork or pastry blender until it is well blended.

Sprinkle topping evenly over fruit and bake 45-50 minutes until it bubbles around the edges.