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Graham Cracker Pie Crust

Graham cracker crust provides nice variety and a different texture for a smooth filling pie such as Lemon Meringue or Grapefruit Meringue. They’re simple and easy to make, require no rolling, and are tasty.

Graham Cracker Pie Crust

Graham cracker crust is perfect
for a citrus meringue pie.

In fact, Graham cracker crust is so delicious that it can become the featured flavor in the pie: see my Graham Cracker Pie for a recipe.

You can vary the proportions to suit your taste: I prefer to use just crumbs and the smaller amount of butter. This makes the crust rather crumbly, but tasty.

Traditional graham cracker crusts use the larger amount of butter and added sugar, but I think the crackers themselves are sweet enough.

1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (about 10-12 whole crackers)
4-6 TB melted butter
1/4 cup sugar (optional)

Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).

Prepare graham cracker crumbs by one of two methods:

• Coarsely break crackers and place in the food processor. Process with metal blade until finely pulverized

• Place crackers in a plastic bag and crush them with a rolling pin
Add sugar (if you are using) and melted butter and combine. This will require a few pulses in the food processor or a few seconds mixing by hand in a bowl.

Press the crumbs into a 9 inch pie pan, spreading them evenly over the bottom and sides.

Bake for about 8-10 minutes.

Tips from Jane

• You can buy crushed graham cracker crumbs. I have to admit I was surprised to see them for sale, since it really doesn’t take much to make them. But if you prefer, buy a box and see if it makes life easier!

• You can also buy pre-made graham cracker crusts. They tend to be more solid than home made ones and hold their shape better, but they also tend to be higher in fat and include preservatives. The advantage is that you can buy some and keep them in the cupboard for when you need a pie in a hurry.

Chocolate graham cracker crust is a wonderful, rich variation of my regular graham cracker crust.

Chocolate Graham Cracker Pie Crust

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Lemon Meringue Pie

Grapefruit Meringue Pie

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